How can I change each content parameter?

At everything's super limited - per design! Here are the parameter you can give each content element.

How can I change each content parameter?


  • Teaser (Small): In Grid view, normal element -> default
  • Medium: Headline + Element, no extended info (like pre-title or teaser)
  • Large: Extended info including teaser + link to detailled if there are more elements
  • Full: Everything

Width for sizes medium, large & full:

  • Full (full width of page)
  • (Inherited from header of the current page it is shown) -> default
  • Wide (100%)
  • Medium (60%)
  • Small (50%)

Alignment for sizes medium, large & full:

  • (Inherited from header of page visible) -> default
  • Left
  • Right
  • Center
  • Justify

Color for sizes medium, large & full:

  • (Inherited from header of page visible)
  • Light (inversed in dark mode), no background color in normal mode
  • Dark (inversed in dark mode), dark background color for the block

That's it! No more options. I mean, you can make a lot out of those already.

And why did we order it that way? Size, Width, Alignment, Color shortens to SWAC, that sounds cool, does it?